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Table 1 Round 1 sections and examples of items

From: Development of mental health first-aid guidelines for a person after a potentially traumatic event: A Delphi expert consensus study in Argentina and Chile

Section 1: Background information (6 items)

The first aider should be aware of the initial responses that are common following a potentially traumatic event.

The first aider should know what signs and symptoms can indicate there is a problem after a potentially traumatic event.

Section 2: Actions to be taken immediately at the scene of a potentially traumatic event (29 items)

The first aider should be calm in the face of the trauma and try not to appear rushed or impatient.

If the first aider feels that they are not emotionally capable of supporting the person, they should try to find someone else who is.

Section 3: What to do at the site of a potentially traumatic event when professional helpers are already at the scene (5 items)

The first aider should follow the directions of professional helpers at the scene

The first aider should not offer food or drink to the person without the permission of the professional helpers

Section 4: Talking about the trauma (49 items)

The first aider should encourage the person to talk about their feelings, but only if the person feels ready to do so

If the person repeatedly talks about the potentially traumatic event, the first aider should be willing to listen

Section 5: Experiences of abuse (31 items)

The first aider should be aware of any local mandatory reporting laws

If the first aider sees physical signs of abuse (for example, repeated bruising), they should discuss their concerns with the person.

Section 6: Providing support during the following weeks and months after a potentially traumatic event (18 items)

The first aider should discourage the person from making any major life decisions or big life changes, if at all possible.

The first aider should be aware of the type of professional help available to people who have experienced trauma

Section 7: Encouraging professional help (10 items)

The first aider should encourage the person to seek professional help if the post-trauma symptoms are interfering with their usual activities for 4 weeks or more

The first aider should encourage the person to seek professional help if they can’t stop thinking about the trauma for 4 weeks or more

Section 8: Adolescents (10 items)

The first aider should be aware of the ways in which an adolescent may respond differently to a potentially traumatic event compared to an adult.

The first aider should not hide information from the adolescent in an attempt to protect them.