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Table 1 Intervention and measures timeline

From: Pragmatic controlled trial of a school-based emotion literacy program for 8- to 10-year-old children: study protocol


Study Period





12-week follow-up

Post 12 week follow-up





 Waitlist Control


Child Measures


Demographic Characteristics














 Languages spoken (parent reported)



 Mental health diagnosis (parent reported)



Help-seeking Measures


 Help-seeking knowledge, Adapted GHSQ [13]






 Help-seeking intentions, GHSQ [28]






 Help-seeking confidence [29]






 Help-seeking attitudes, adapted from [30]






 Actual self-help behaviours, Adapted AHSQ [31]






Emotion Knowledge


 Emotion Vocabulary, bespoke measures adapted from [32, 33]






 Emotion Recognition (bespoke measure)






 Physiological components (bespoke measure)






 Bodily Awareness: EAQ subscale [34]






Emotion Attitudes


 Not Hiding Emotions: EAQ subscale [34]








 Emotion stigma: Vignette rating scale, adapted from [35,36,37]






 Emotion Stigma: Adapted SOSS [38]






School support


 Trusted adults at school [39, 41]






 Peer integration at school [39]








 Stirling Children’s Wellbeing Scale [42]






Acceptability and Satisfaction


 Acceptability and Satisfaction (bespoke measure)





Teacher Measures


 Perceived value, intention to use, actual use (bespoke survey measure)





Qualitative measures


 Staff interviews




 Child focus groups

