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Table 3 Intergroup mean differences (sd) between ASD younger vs. older adults

From: Functioning assessment short test (FAST): validity and reliability in adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder


ASD younger adults

(n = 40)

ASD older adults

(n = 31)

U Mann-Whitney (Z)

FAST Total score

39.33 (12.12)

40.84 (15.36)



6.93 (3.21)

5 (3.39)


Occupational functioning

8.3 (3.23)

8.97 (4.54)


Cognitive functioning

7.23 (2.90)

8.13 (4.3)


Financial issues

3.03 (2.06)

2.58 (2.26)


Interpersonal relationships

10.9 (4.24)

12.9 (4.41)



2.95 (1.34)

3.26 (1.71)


  1. *p < .05