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Table 3 Viewpoints on what other individual and social factors are relevant for violence risk assessment (case by case)

From: Assessment of violence risk in 440 psychiatric patients in China: examining the feasibility and acceptability of a novel and scalable approach (FoVOx)



FoVOx score higher than clinical judgement as the tool does not include the following protective factors

FoVOx score lower than clinical judgement as the tool does not include the following risk factors

Social risk factors


good family support

poor family support (no close family, anger towards family)

social support

good social support

poor social support

social status

had an official job

homeless; low social status

Clinical risk factors

family history

history of mental illness in family members

disease related

active and positive symptoms; poor insight; chronic disease; early onset age

treatment related

good response to medication; good compliance

poor response to medication; poor compliance; not receiving systematic treatment

diagnosis related

only had history of psychiatric diagnosis, no recurrence afterwards 

high impulsivity; low self-control

Criminal risk factors

response to the violent crime committed

not feeling guilty or regretful

previous violent history

history of repeated violence; frequent recent violent behavior in hospital

individual factors

triggers/underlying reasons for crime may have been resolved

short length of imprisonment

triggers/underlying reasons for crime had not been resolved