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Table 1 Inclusion and exclusion criteria

From: Efficacy of parent-infant psychotherapy compared to care as usual in children with regulatory disorders in clinical and outpatient settings: study protocol of a randomised controlled trial as part of the SKKIPPI project

Inclusion criteria

 • Infants aged 36 months or younger

 • Infants diagnosed (by a certified paediatrician, psychiatrist or psychotherapist) with at least one regulatory disorder

 • Mothers must speak German to a sufficient level and understand the aims of the study

 • Mothers must be in a psychological state that allows them to participate in the study

Exclusion criteria

 • Mother or child is already participating in other clinical trials

 • Mother or child is receiving any other form of psychotherapy

 • Mother is dealing with acute substance abuse, or has suicidal tendencies or acute psychosis

 • Child has a suspected alcohol embryopathy, or severe organic impairments