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Table 1 Symptoms/behaviors exhibited or reported by care recipients (N = 27)

From: Experiences, attitudes, and perceptions of caregivers of individuals with treatment-resistant schizophrenia: a qualitative study

DSM-5 Category and Symptom

Description Provided to Caregiver

Caregiver-Reported Frequency, n (%)


Patient heard, saw, tasted, felt or smelled things that others did not experience


 Auditory hallucinations

Heard noises or voices or things that other people did not hear

24 (89)

 Visual hallucinations

Saw things other people did not see

15 (56)

 Tactile hallucinations

Felt things on the body other people did not feel or notice, for example people touching/hitting him/her; reported strange feelings underneath his/her skin

10 (37)

 Olfactory hallucinations

Smelled things other people do not seem to smell

8 (30)


Patient had unusual or odd beliefs or thoughts that other people did not understand


 Referential delusions (external stimuli directed toward patient)

Had beliefs that certain things in the environment, gestures, comments, etc. were directed towards him/her; reported experiences with mind reading, psychic forces, or fortune telling

19 (70)

 Delusions of love

Had false beliefs that someone is in love with him/her

10 (37)

 Nihilistic delusions

Strongly believed that a major catastrophe will occur

9 (33)

 Somatic delusions

Had preoccupations with health, bodily function, organs

8 (30)

 Delusions of grandeur

Had beliefs of exaggerated or extreme importance, wealth, power, or goodness (e.g., saving the world, ending poverty, stopping wars)

4 (15)

 Delusions of grandeur

Had strong beliefs that he/she had extraordinary fame, wealth, gifts/talents, or abilities

3 (11)

Disorganized speech

Patient demonstrated unusual, disorganized or confused ways of speaking/thinking



Patient had trouble getting his/her point across when talking, often rambled or got off track

20 (74)

 Derailment, loose associations

Patient frequently switched from one topic to another during a conversation

18 (67)

 Incoherence, word salad

Others had trouble understanding/following what [patient] was saying

15 (56)


Patient’s speech did not make sense

12 (44)


Patient was overly suspicious or felt like he/she was being persecuted



Did not trust or was suspicious of people

21 (78)


Felt like other people were watching or talking about him/her

19 (70)

 Persecutory delusion

Believed that he/she is going to be harmed or harassed

14 (52)

 Delusion of control

Felt that someone or something was controlling his/her ideas or thoughts

10 (37)

Negative symptoms


Withdrew from being around other people, family, or friends (e.g., did not make eye contact with others, not seem to enjoy being around others, spent a lot of time sitting or lying around much of the day)

19 (70)


Had difficulty starting and completing activities

18 (67)

 Limited interest/avolition

Sit/lay around for long periods of time with limited interest in things

18 (67)


Seemed to have less enjoyment or pleasure in things

16 (59)

 Blunted affect, diminished emotional expression

Showed little emotion (feeling) or inappropriate feelings in certain situations

16 (59)


Had little or no interest/motivation in everyday activities, like bathing, grooming, taking care of him/herself, getting dressed, eating, etc.

14 (52)

 Blunted affect

Spoke in a monotone/flat voice (did not show many changes in voice, or facial expressions)

10 (37)

Other symptomsa

 Agitation, irritability, hostility

Seemed like he/she was feeling agitated/irritable/hostile

22 (81)

 Cognitive impairment

Had problems with memory, concentration/attention, organizing, planning

20 (74)


Seemed like (or reported to you) he/she was anxious or worried

18 (67)


Seemed like (or reported to you) he/she was depressed (expressed depressive thoughts/excessive sadness)

14 (52)

 Worry that something is wrong with mind

Worried that something is wrong with mind

11 (41)

  1. DSM-5 = Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition
  2. Note: Table was organized by frequency of symptom/behavior reported
  3. Note: Caregivers selected as many symptoms/behaviors as they thought applied
  4. Note: Caregivers in the first two focus groups were asked to rank only the positive symptoms and exclude the negative or other symptoms in their rankings. The subsequent focus groups ranked all symptoms
  5. aThis category was added by the project team