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Table 2 Scores on the TREAT State-of-Mind questionnaire (clinicians)

From: The development and evaluation of a computerized decision aid for the treatment of psychotic disorders



Mean Score (SD)

Usage behaviour

2. If it is up to me, I will start using TREAT as soon as possible.

4,17 (1,60)

3. When TREAT becomes available I will actively use it.

4,83 (0,41)


1. I express my concerns about TREAT.

3,00 (2,19)

26. I will tell people it is good TREAT has been developed.

3,33 (1,86)


4. Because of TREAT I expect to have more influence on the way I do my job.

3,50 (0,55)

5. Because of TREAT I expect to become more dependent on others.

1,83 (0,41)

18. I experience TREAT as a form of behavioural control.

1,50 (0,84)


6. My job will remain about the same with TREAT.

3,33 (1,21)

7. I expect TREAT to have much influence on the way I do my job.

3,00 (0,89)

8. I expect TREAT to have much influence on the way most clinicians of the psychosis department do their job.

3,17 (1,17)

9. I expect TREAT to have much influence on patientcare in the psychosis department.

3,50 (1,52)


10. Use of TREAT fits with my professional values and beliefs.

3,67 (0,82)

11. Use of TREAT fits with providing good clinical care.

4,33 (0,52)

12. I am proud of the fact that TREAT has been developed and is being investigated.

4,17 (0,98)

13. I am worried about the introduction of TREAT.

2,00 (1,10)

Ease of use

14. TREAT is easy to use.

4,33 (0,82)

15. Working with TREAT requires little (extra) mental effort.

4,33 (0,52)

20. The lay-out / arrangement of TREAT appeals to me.

3,17 (1,47)


16. I expect to be able to better perform my job, because of TREAT.

4,42 (0,66)

17. I expect to receive more support in my job, because of TREAT.

3,67 (1,03)

21. TREAT helps with the interpretation of the ROM-Phamous outcome.

4,33 (0,82)

22. I expect TREAT to offer support in drafting the treatment plan.

4,17 (1,17)

23. Because of TREAT I am more aware of the different treatment options that are available.

3,92 (0,67)

27. Because of TREAT I am more aware of the purpose of ROM-Phamous.

2,67 (1,21)

Facilitating conditions

19. I expect to have enough time to use TREAT in my daily work.

4,00 (1,10)

24. Because of TREAT I can work more efficiently.

4,08 (0,49)

25. Using TREAT costs extra time.

2,33 (1,03)

  1. 1 = completely disagree, 2 = disagree, 3 = neutral, 4 = agree, 5 = completely agree, − = no opinion