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Table 2 Socio-demographic characteristics of validation sample

From: Validation of cross-cultural child mental health and psychosocial research instruments: adapting the Depression Self-Rating Scale and Child PTSD Symptom Scale in Nepal


No-Indication to treat (n = 134)

Indication to treat (n = 28)

Total (n = 162)




40 (29.9))

12 (42.9)

52 (32.1)


94 (70.1)

16 (57.1)

110 (67.9)




7 (5.2)

2 (7.1)

9 (5.6)


28 (20.9)

3 (10.7)

31 (19.1)


35 (26.1)

9 (32.1)

44 (27.2)


64 (47.8)

14 (50.0)

78 (48.1)

Level of education


   Grade six

18 (13.4)

6 (21.4)

24 (14.8)

   Grade seven

116 (86.6)

22 (78.6)

138 (85.2)




75 (56.0)

18 (64.3)

93 (57.4)

   Dalit (Nepali, BK)

15 (11.2)

5 (17.9)

20 (12.3)


34 (25.4)

5 (17.9)

39 (24.1)

   Others (Magar, Newar & Lodcha)

10 (7.5)


10 (6.2)




132 (98.5)

28 (100.0)

160 (98.8)


2 (1.5)


2 (1.2)