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Table 3 Summary scores for staff responses to the RSA and STAR-C

From: Recovery-focused mental health care planning and co-ordination in acute inpatient mental health settings: a cross national comparative mixed methods study

Scales and Subscales

One-way ANOVA Parameters







Recovery Self-Assessment Scale (RSA)

 Life Goals

F(5, 273) = 4.44, p = 0.001 **

3.53 (0.08)

3.67 (0.11)

3.52 (0.08)

3.93 (0.07)

3.68 (0.10)

3.97 (0.09)


F(5, 275) = 4.94, p < 0.001 **

3.15 (0.09)

3.05 (0.13)

2.85 (0.10)

3.47 (0.10)

3.25 (0.10)

3.46 (0.11)

 Diversity of Treatment Options

F(5, 279) = 7.45, p < 0.001 **

3.21 (0.10)

3.42 (0.11)

3.06 (0.10)

3.72 (0.10)

3.39 (0.10)

3.81 (0.10)


F(5, 278) = 3.14, p = 0.009 **

3.47 (0.09)

3.72 (0.11)

3.46 (0.07)

3.73 (0.09)

3.84 (0.09)

3.79 (0.10)

 Individually Tailored Services

F(5, 239) = 10.95, p < 0.001 **

3.29 (0.09)

3.34 (0.11)

2.92 (0.08)

3.81 (0.09)

3.32 (0.10)

3.75 (0.09)

 Mean Total Score

F(5, 279) = 6.35, p < 0.001 **

3.36 (0.08)

3.45 (0.10)

3.21 (0.07)

3.74 (0.07)

3.52 (0.09)

3.76 (0.09)

Scale to Assess Therapeutic (STAR-C)

 Positive Collaboration

F(5, 274) = 2.42, p = 0.036 *

17.17 (0.35)

18.86 (0.39)

17.63 (0.42)

18.20 (0.33)

18.22 (0.36)

18.21 (0.48)

 Positive Clinician Input

F(5, 272) = 1.53, p = 0.182

10.34 (0.18)

10.95 (0.18)

10.41 (0.21)

10.38 (0.15)

10.55 (0.20)

10.57 (0.19)

 Emotional Difficulties

F(5, 270) = 1.91, p = 0.092

8.60 (0.20)

9.50 (0.21)

8.95 (0.27)

8.86 (0.23)

9.15 (0.21)

8.59 (0.38)

 Mean Total Score

F(5, 273) = 3.02, p = 0.011 **

36.08 (0.55)

39.33 (0.66)

37.00 (0.76)

37.45 (0.52)

37.98 (0.62)

37.56 (0.77)

  1. All values represent mean and standard error of the mean (SEM) * = Significant at p < 0.05 ** = Significant at p < 0.01