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Table 3 Comparison between PD and late-onset disorder groups based on number of participants meeting diagnostic criteria across one or more DSM-IV clusters

From: Lasting personality pathology following exposure to severe trauma in adulthood: retrospective cohort study

Number of DSM-IV Clusters

PD group

Late-onset PD


Adjusted +

N (%)

N (%)

OR (95% CI) *

P value

OR (95% CI) *

P value

Meeting criteria of 1 PD cluster

28 (25%)

8 (12%)

3.54 (1.91 to 6.56)

< 0.001

2.96 (1.54 to 5.67)


Meeting criteria of 2 PD clusters

63 (56%)

25 (38%)

Meeting criteria of all 3 PD clusters

21 (19%)

32 (49%)

  1. + Adjusted for gender and marital status
  2. * Odds ratios presented as odds of being in the next highest outcome category for Late-onset PD subgroup relative to odds in PD subgroup