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Table 2 Change in Mother Outcome Variables During Step 1 Treatment of the Mother and Step 2 Parent-Child Training for Standardized Variables

From: Sequential treatment of ADHD in mother and child (AIMAC study): importance of the treatment phases for intervention success in a randomized trial

Outcome & informant

Control group

Treatment group

\( {\upalpha}_2^{\left(\mathrm{CG}\right)} \)

\( {\upalpha}_3^{\left(\mathrm{CG}\right)} \)

\( {\upalpha}_2^{\left(\mathrm{TG}\right)} \)

\( {\upalpha}_3^{\left(\mathrm{TG}\right)} \)

CAARS–O blinded clinician



− 0.19*

− 0.60*

− 0.19*


− 0.20*

− 0.20*

− 0.35*

− 0.35*


− 0.25*

− 0.25*

− 0.62*

− 0.25*

CAARS–S mother



− 0.18*

− 0.58*

− 0.18*


− 0.24*

− 0.24*

− 0.55*

− 0.24*


− 0.23*

− 0.23*

− 0.62*

− 0.23*

  1. Note. Results concern the final model of a series of nested piecewise linear latent growth models (within- and between-group analysis). In the case of equal coefficients, change rates did not significantly differ across treatment groups and/or steps and were constrained to be equal. \( {\upalpha}_2^{\left(\mathrm{CG}\right)} \) = mean of latent slope factor representing average change in CG during Step 1 (T1 to T2); \( {\upalpha}_3^{\left(\mathrm{CG}\right)} \) = mean of latent slope factor indicating average change in CG during Step 2 (T2 to T3); \( {\upalpha}_2^{\left(\mathrm{TG}\right)} \) = mean of latent slope factor representing average change in TG during Step 1 (T1 to T2); \( {\upalpha}_3^{\left(\mathrm{TG}\right)} \) = mean of latent slope factor indicating average change in TG during Step 2 (T2 to T3); CAARS–O Conners’ Adult ADHD Rating Scales–Observer: Long Version with the scales Inattention and Memory Problems, Hyperactivity/Restlessness and Impulsivity/Emotional Lability, CAARS–S Conners’ Adult ADHD Rating Scales–Self-Report: Long Version with scales analogous to CAARS–O
  2. *p < .05