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Table 1 Clinical and demographic baseline characteristics of the study sample (N = 321)

From: Health care and societal costs of the management of children and adolescents with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in Spain: a descriptive analysis



Age, years, mean (SD)

12.7 (2.9)

Age, years, range (P25, P75)

6.3–18.0 (10.6, 15.1)

Sex, n (%)


252 (78.5)


69 (21.5)

ADHD presentation, n (%)


197 (61.4)

Predominantly inattentive

112 (34.9)

Predominantly hyperactive-impulsive

12 (3.7)

ADHD-RS-IV score, mean (SD)

22.04 (10.3)

Duration of the disorder, years, mean (SD)

3.83 (2.5)

Current level of functioning (CGAS), mean (SD)

74 (15.3)

Lowest CGAS during the previous year, mean (SD)

56.1 (15.6)

Comorbidities, n (%)

Oppositional defiant disorder

64 (19.9)

Other conduct disorders

19 (5.9)

Anxiety disorders

57 (17.8)


6 (1.9)

  1. ADHD attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder; ADHD-RS-IV ADHD rating scale IV; CGAS Children’s Global Assessment Scale; P25 25th percentile; P75 75th percentile; SD standard deviation