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Table 1 Characteristics of panel members (n = 26)

From: Re-development of mental health first aid guidelines for supporting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders who are engaging in non-suicidal self-injury


% (n)

Age group (range: 28–58, mean: 45.5 years)

 25–40 years

19.2% (5)

 41–50 years

46.2% (12)

 51–60 years

34.6% (9)



69.2% (18)


30.8 (8)

Indigenous identification


92.3% (24)

 Torres Strait Islander

3.8% (1)

 Both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander

3.8% (1)

State where currently working


23.1% (6)


15.4% (4)

 Western Australia

11.5% (3)

 New South Wales

11.5% (3)

 Northern Territory

7.7% (2)

 South Australia

7.7% (2)

 Australian Capital Territory

7.7% (2)


3.8% (1)

 Australia wide

11.5% (3)

Personal (i.e. not professional) experience with non-suicidal self-injury

 In myself

16.0% (4)

 In my family

64.0% (16)

 In my friends

52.0% (13)

 In my broader community network

64.0% (16)

 No personal experience

4.0% (1)

 I’d rather not say

0.0% (0)