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Table 2 Headache score and number perceived headache before giving ECT vs after receiving ECT

From: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial on the role of preemptive analgesia with acetaminophen [paracetamol] in reducing headache following electroconvulsive therapy [ECT]



Post ECT


Median headache score (IQR)

Median headache score (IQR)

 Placebo group

0 (0–0)

2 (0–4)

 PCM group

0 (0–0)

0 (0–2)


Participants perceived headache (%)

Participants perceived headache (%)

 Placebo group

7 (11%)

45 (71%)

 PCM group

4 (6%)

23 (36%)

  1. Inter quartile range (IQR), percentage (%)