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Table 2 Baseline patient characteristics for the stepped-care (n = 131) and usual care group (n = 134)

From: Economic evaluation of stepped-care versus usual care for depression and anxiety in older adults with vision impairment: randomized controlled trial

Patient characteristics measured at baseline

Stepped-care (n = 131)

Usual care (n = 134)

Gender (female) (n (%))

91 (69%)

94 (70%)

Age (years) range [50–98] (mean (SD))

72.4 (12.5)

74.9 (11.9)

Education (years) range [0–16] (mean (SD))

10.4 (3.8)

9.3 (3.4)

Having work (n (%))

15 (12%)

7 (5%)

Nationality (n (%))


116 (89%)

117 (87%)


14 (11%)

16 (12%)


1 (1%)

1 (1%)

Living situation (independent) (n (%))

115 (88%)

124 (93%)

Income (n (%))

Usually enough money

61 (47%)

62 (46%)

Just enough money

55 (42%)

57 (43%)

Not enough money

10 (8%)

15 (11%)

Cause of vision loss (n (%))

Macular degeneration

62 (47%)

60 (45%)


26 (20%)

19 (14%)


26 (20%)

19 (14%)

Diabetic retinopathy

5 (4%)

4 (3%)

Cerebral hemorrhage

5 (4%)

10 (8%)


45 (34%)

60 (45%)

Time of onset (years) range [0–79] (mean (SD))

16.0 (19.6)

14.4 (18.2)

LogMAR visual acuity (n (%))

Normal visual acuity

9 (7%)

15 (11%)

Mild vision loss

24 (18%)

23 (17%)

Low vision / blindness

86 (66%)

86 (64%)

Comorbidity range [0–5] (mean (SD))

1.1 (1.2)

1.2 (1.2)

History of major depressive disorder (n (%))

30 (23%)

25 (19%)

History of dysthymic disorder (n (%))

4 (3%)

1 (1%)

History of panic disorder (n (%))

8 (6%)

8 (6%)

Baseline CES-D score (mean(SD))

21.2 (6.4)

21.1 (6.7)

Baseline HADS-A score (mean(SD))

7.1 (4.1)

7.1 (3.8)

Baseline EQ-5D utility score (mean(SD))

0.7 (0.3)

0.7 (0.2)

  1. SD standard deviation, CES-D Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression, HADS-A Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale-Anxiety, EQ-5D Euroqol-5 Dimensions