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Table 2 Outcome measures used

From: Mental health training programmes for non-mental health trained professionals coming into contact with people with mental ill health: a systematic review of effectiveness


Primary outcomes

Secondary outcomes


Change in practice

Change in outcomes for the groups of people the trainees come into contact with

Satisfaction with training:

Change in attitude towards the importance of mental health

Change in confidence

Change in knowledge:

Change in skills - change in behaviour/ application of skills:

Police officers: Interventions with a broad mental health focus

Forni et al. (2009) [29]

Not measured

Not measured

Feedback form evaluated quality of presentation and content

Form evaluated quality of presentation and content

Not measured

Form evaluated quality of presentation and content

Form evaluated quality of presentation and content

Hansson & Markstrom (2014) [27]

Not measured

Not measured

Not measured

Attitudes: Community Attitudes towards Mental Illness. Validated. 20 items. Score: 6-point Likert scale.

Not measured

Mental Health Knowledge Scale. Validated 12 items, scored on 1–5 scale

Not measured

Behaviour: Reported and Intentional Behaviour Scale: Validated. 8 items: 4 scored Yes/No and 4 on 1–5 scale

Herrington & Pope (2013) [28]

Surveys. Number of items and validation not reported

Surveys. Number of items and validation not reported

Surveys. Number of items and validation not reported

Not measured

No comparative data reported

Not measured

Surveys. Number of items and validation not reported

Norris & Cooke (2000) [30]

Questionnaire developed by study team

Not measured

Not measured

Not measured

Not measured

Not measured

Not measured

Pinfold et al. (2003) [31]

Modified Community Attitudes towards Mental Illness (CAMI) and World Psychiatric Association (WPA 2000) questionnaires. Scored on 5 point likert scale

Not measured

One page feedback form

Modified CAMI and WPA 2000 questionnaires. Scored on 5 point likert scale

Modified CAMI and WPA 2000 questionnaires. Scored on 5 point likert scale

Modified CAMI and WPA 2000 questionnaires. Scored on 5 point likert scale

Modified CAMI and WPA 2000 questionnaires. Scored on 5 point likert scale

Rafacz (2012) [17]

Not measured

Not measured

Not measured

Modified Attribution Questionnaire. 31 questions, response on a 5-point Likert scale

Not measured

Not measured

Not measured

Police officers: Interventions with a specific mental health focus

Bailey et al. (2001) [26]

Not measured

Not measured

Not measured

Attitudes towards Mental Retardation and Eugenics questionnaire. Validated. 32 items measured on a Likert scale. Score range 32–192

Not measured

Not measured

Not measured

Teagardin et al. (2012) [15]

Not measured

Not measured

Not measured

Not measured

2 of a 12 item questionnaire developed by study team: scored on Likert scale

10 of a 12 item questionnaire developed by study team: scored on Likert scale

Not measured

Other non-mental health trained professionals: Interventions with a broad mental health focus

Dorsey et al. (2012) [25]

54 item questionnaire developed by study team

Not measured

Not measured

Not measured

Not measured

Vignette-based knowledge test developed by study team

Vignette-based knowledge test developed by study team

Jorm et al. (2010) [23]

Not measured

Strengths & Difficulties Questionnaire: validated measure of 25 items: score range 0–3

Not measured

Vignette-based knowledge test developed by study team. Non-validated

Two item questionnaire developed by the study team. Non-validated. Score range 0–5

21 item questionnaire developed by the study team. Non-validated. Score range 0–3

4 item questionnaire developed by the study team. Non-validated. Score range 0–4

Lipson et al. (2014) [21]

Study team produced categorical measure of the number of residents with whom Resident Advisors discussed mental health issues (0, 1, 2–3, or 4+);

The K6 scale for psychological distress. Validated scale. Score range: 0 to 24

Not measured

3 item measure of personal stigma adapted from the existing Discrimination-Devaluation Scale. Score range: 0–5

Measure used was not clearly reported

Non-validated question developed by the researchers. 5 response categories

Non-validated 6 items related to self-perceived gatekeeper skills.

Svensson & Hansson (2014) [16]

Pre-existing Questionnaires with vignettes. Vignettes scored max. 5 or 6

Not measured

Not measured

Pre-existing Social distance scale. 6 items, scored on a 1–3 scale.

Pre-existing Questionnaires with vignettes. Vignettes scored max. 5 or 6

Non-validated Questionnaire developed by study team. 16 items, response scale 0–2. Score range 0–16

Pre-existing Questionnaires with vignettes. Vignettes scored max. 5 or 6

Thombs et al. (2015) [14]

12 item survey developed by study team measured the number of first aid efforts made over the previous 30 days

Not measured

Not measured

Not measured

Referral efficacy, scored on a 5-point Likert scale

Not measured

Not measured

Other non-mental health trained professionals: Interventions with a specific mental health focus

Hart & More (2013) [24]

Not measured

Not measured

Not measured

Not measured

Not measured

Non-validated questionnaire, with ten open-ended questions: score range 0–3

Not measured

Kolko et al. (2012) [22]

35 item AF-CBT implementation measure (AIM). Scores rated on a 5-point Likert-type scale

Not measured

13-item training evaluation developed by The National Child Trauma Stress Network. 11 Items scored on a 1–5 Likert-type scale; 2 items open ended

Not measured

Not measured

25-item CBT Knowledge Questionnaire. Multiple-choice: 4 or 5 response choices.

35 item AF-CBT implementation measure (AIM). Scores rated on a 5-point Likert-type scale

McVey et al. (2008) [20]

Not measured

Not measured

A 24 item non-validated questionnaire developed by study team. a 4-point, forced-choice scale

6-item questionnaire developed by study team, rated on a 4-point Likert scale

6-item subscale from existing validated “Free to Be Me” survey, adapted for teachers. Score: 4-point Likert scale

Validated survey “Free to Be Me” (modified); in-house survey; items, from Perceived Media Influences Sub-Scale. Scored on a 4/5-point Likert scale

6-item subscale from existing validated “Free to Be Me” survey, adapted for teachers. Score: 4-point Likert scale

Moor et al. (2007) [19]

Percentage of pupils reported as depressed by teachers, using lists of class cohort

Not measured

Not measured

Not measured

Attitudes Questionnaire designed by the research team. This was piloted however unclear to what extent it was validated. 30mins to complete

Not measured

Lists of class cohort

Ostberg & Rydell (2012) [18]

Not measured

ADHD Rating Scale 0–4; DSM-IV scale 0–4; Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire validated, 20-items, scale 1–5

Described by authors as measured, but how was not reported

Not measured

Not measured

Not measured

Not measured

  1. N.B. Number of items and scoring are included in the table where they were available. None of the studies included an economic evaluation or reported resource use or costs