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Table 1 SCID-I Module B Questions about delusions

From: The content of delusions in a sample of South African Xhosa people with schizophrenia

Delusions of reference: belief that the individual is attaching personal inference to events in their environment, e.g., believing that others are talking about or taking special notice of them, or that the individual is receiving special messages from random events around them.


Has it ever seemed like people were talking about you or taking special notice of you – describe


What about receiving special messages from the TV, radio, or newspaper, or from the way things were arranged around you - describe

Persecutory delusions: belief that others are plotting to actively harm or disadvantage them


What about anyone going out of their way to give you a hard time, or trying to hurt you – describe

Grandiose delusions: beliefs of possessing great wealth, importance or special powers


Have you ever felt that you were especially important in some way or that you had special powers to do things that other people could not do – describe

Somatic delusions: beliefs of abnormal functioning or anatomy of the individual’s body and body parts despite medical evidence to the contrary


Have you ever felt that something was very wrong with you physically even though your doctor said nothing was wrong – describe


Have you ever been convinced that something was very wrong with the way a part or parts of your body looked – describe


Have you ever felt that something strange was happening to parts of your body – describe

Other delusions: unusual religious experiences, unexplained excessive guilt, jealousy or the false perception that someone famous or well known is in love with the individual


Have you ever had any unusual religious experiences – describe


Have you ever felt that you had committed a crime or done something terrible for which you should be punished- describe


Were you ever convinced that your spouse or partner was being unfaithful to you - describe


Did you ever feel you had a special, secret relationship with someone famous or someone you didn’t know very well - describe

Delusions of being controlled: belief that an external force or person is controlling their thoughts and actions


Did you ever feel that someone or something outside yourself was controlling your thoughts or actions against your will – describe


Did you ever feel that certain thoughts that were not your own were put into your head or taken out of your head – describe

Thought broadcasting: belief that their thoughts are perceptible to those around them


Did you ever feel as if your thoughts were being broadcast out loud so that other people could actually hear what you were thinking – describe?


Did you ever believe that someone could read your mind – describe?