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Table 8 Psychopathological Functioning Levels – Rating Scale (PFL-RS): English schedule

From: Psychopathological Functioning Levels (PFLs) and their possible relevance in psychiatric treatments: a qualitative research project



Internal perspective


External perspective


The individual confuses one or more personal life experiences with objective data (and/or) refers external events to himself/herself with no reason (and/or) does not follow logical thinking


The subjective representations of others’ certain emotional states (and/or) behaviors are disorganized from a logical standpoint (and/or) critical evidence against such representations or behaviors are ignored (and/or) refused


The individual cannot understand and describe his/her current emotional state (and/or) behavior but through partial and occasional aspects


The individual cannot understand and describe others’ emotional states (and/or) the motivation of others’ behavior but through partial and occasional aspects


The individual understands his/her current emotional state (and/or) behavior but he/she cannot understand at the same time those of others


The individual understands others’ current emotional state (and/or) behavior but he/she cannot feel at the same time understood by others


The individual understands only rationally the situations while conflicting emotions possibly arising from the confrontation are not integrated and perceived as a whole


The individual acts as improperly taking shelter in concrete considerations when coping with the understanding of the conflicting aspects of a certain situation


The individual does not understand well some defined and specific personal life experiences because he/she erases the different shades of the characteristics (and/or) causes (and/or) effects


The individual does not understand well certain defined and specific signals in the environment because he/she erases the different shades of the characteristics (and/or) causes (and(or) effects


If difficulties concerning his/her projects arise the individual diminishes their relevance (and/or) prefers to seek pleasure or predominance of other objectives (and/or) renounces to modify them


If difficulties concerning his/her projects arise the individual tends to give up (and/or) to endorse the approval rather than pursue other objectives (and/or) to overestimate or underestimate the environmental conditions


The individual is aware of the value of his/her projects even when evaluating the eventual negative aspects of the environmental conditions


If difficulties concerning his/her projects arise the individual evaluates the opportunity to face or avoid them with realism and without excessive apprehension or distrust