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Table 1 Worker and Patient Interview Guide

From: Examining the use of metaphors to understand the experience of community treatment orders for patients and mental health workers


 1) Describe what you think of CTOs for people with mental illness? Benefits? Concerns?

 2) Describe your own experience of delivering treatment and care to clients on a CTO?

 3) What factors do you consider in determining the level of involvement of the person and their decision-making capacity when applying for a CTO and/or providing treatment and care during the time that they are on a CTO?

 4) Describe your experience of the Guardianship Board hearing process and of applying for a CTO, or providing input to an application to the Board?

 5) What types of support do you provide to clients while they are on a CTO?

 6) Are there circumstances that prevent you from providing the support you would like to provide to clients on a CTO? Explain?

 7) What do you perceive as the impacts for clients of being on a CTO?

Benefits? Problems? Impacts for you/the service/ others?

 8) Are you involved in the development of mental health care plans for clients on a CTO? If so, your experience of these and processes followed? Client copy? How often reviewed? Your perception of what clients think about them?

 9) How could MH services improve how they provide support to people on a CTO?

 10) Do you have any other comments to make about your experience of providing treatment and care to people on a CTO?


 1) Description of how you came to be on a CTO? How long? Others? Recollections of interactions with mental health staff and Guardianship Board hearing?

 2) Description of your experience of receiving contact with MHS since being on a CTO? Case manager? Psychiatrist? Other support people?

 3) Level of involvement in making or sharing decisions about your treatment since being on a CTO? Examples? How you felt about this?

 4) Level of involvement in making or sharing decision about other parts of your life since being on a CTO? (eg. Psychosocial support needs). Examples? How you felt about this?

 5) What support does the mental health case manager provide to you as part of their contact with you?

 6) What do you perceive as the impacts for you of being on a CTO? Benefits? Problems?

 7) Do you have a mental health care plan? Your view of it? Have you seen it/got a copy? How often is it reviewed with you? Your involvement in its review?

 8) Do you feel that your life has changed since being on a CTO? Why? Why not? If so, what has changed?

 9) How could mental health services improve how they provide support to people on a CTO?

 10) Do you have any other comments to make about your experience of being on a CTO?