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Table 1 Comparison of the treatment processes of the original NET and revised NET

From: Adapting narrative exposure therapy for Chinese earthquake survivors: a pilot randomised controlled feasibility study


Original NET for PTSD after organised violence

Revised NET for PTSD after earthquake

Session 1

? Introduction

? Introduction


? Pre-treatment diagnostics

? Pre-treatment diagnostics

? Psychoeducation

? Psychoeducation

Session 2

? Lifeline

? Starting the earthquake narration


? Starting the narration beginning birth continuing through to the first traumatic event


Session 3 and subsequent sessions

? Reading of the narrative collected in previous sessions. Continuing the narration of subsequent life and traumatic events

? Continuing the narration of the earthquake if needed

The last session

? Rereading and signing whole document

? Lifeline

? Narrating from birth to current time, including reading of the earthquake narrative collected in previous sessions.

? Reading the recorded final autobiography


? Weekly or biweekly

? 1-2 days interval