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Table 2 Summary of study procedure

From: Psychiatric stigma and discrimination in South Africa: perspectives from key stakeholders


(Depression comorbid with HIV)

(Schizophrenia- Service users; Aux. Social workers)

Maternal depression

Nurses, Lay counsellors

Sample size

15 service users with depression co-morbid with HIV+

10 service users and 2 Auxiliary social workers

20 women diagnosed with maternal depression

10 nurses; 20 lay counsellors

Where were they sampled from?

PHC facility in DRKKD

Clinic and Mental Health Society Klerksdorp

PHC facility in DRKKD

Their respective clinics; Grace Mokhomo, Majara Sephapo, Kanana, Orkney

Sample description (include eligibility criteria)

HIV + patients who met the diagnostic criteria for major depressive disorder. Participants over age 18 participants, were not pregnant at the time and had not delivered a baby in the past 5 months. Were diagnosed as HIV + & did not require urgent medical attention

Service users – schizophrenia/bi-polar diagnosis, over 18, able to participate in interview

20 Women over the age of 18 attending postnatal clinics

Purposive volunteer sampling was used.

Nurses: Professional nurses were requested to do interviews and those available and willing were interviewed

Services who met the diagnostic criteria for major depressive disorder & whose infant was between 6 weeks and 12 months old

Lay counsellors: All lay counsellors in all four clinics were requested to do the focus group interviews. The interviews were done for those who were present on the day of the interview

Average time period per interview

50 minutes

45 mins – 1 hr

50 minutes

±45 minutes

Where was the interview conducted?

At the facility

Mental Health Society Offices or Clinic

20 At the facility

Nurses and counsellors- onsite, Facility managers- at an eatery

10 follow-up interviews in the home

Informed consent

The study was explained to the patients and informed consent was obtained

Informed consent forms signed by participants after the study was explained to them

The study was explained to the patient and informed consent was obtained

Consent forms signed by all participants

Were participants compensated for their time? How much or what was given to them?

Yes. R50-00 vouchers from a local supermarket

Yes. R35 vouchers from a local supermarket

Yes. R50-00 vouchers from a local supermarket

Participants were not compensated for their time. The facility managers were interviewed over lunch

Who conducted the interviews?

A Clinical psychologist

2 Clinical psychologists

2 Clinical psychologists

1 clinical psychologist and 1 research psychologist

Language the interview was conducted


18 Setswana; 1 English



Interpreter used? (Yes/No)





Procedure for first round analysis

Guided thematic content analysis was used. Transcripts were analysed using the NVIVO software

Thematic content analysis was used aided by the NVIVO software

Thematic content analysis was used. Transcripts were analysed using the NVIVO software

Thematic content analysis was used aided by the NVIVO software