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Table 3 Interview schedule for interviews on recorded supervision sessions

From: Developing psychotherapists’ competence through clinical supervision: protocol for a qualitative study of supervisory dyads

Interview topic

Sample topic questions: Supervisors

Sample topic questions: Supervisees

Background to supervision session

· Can you give me some background to your supervision of this supervisee?

· Can you give some background to your practice and what you are seeking from supervision?


· How would you describe the type of supervision you are providing for this supervisee?

· How did you select your supervisor?


· How would you describe the type of supervision you are receiving?

Focus & expectations

· What was the focus of the session?

· What was the focus of the session for you – what were you wanting?


· What expectations did this supervisee have for the supervision?

· What expectations do you have for the supervision and how are these being met?

Most significant aspect

· What was the most significant part of the session for you? Why?

· What was the most significant part of the session for you? Why?

How theory is applied

· Can you describe how your theoretical framework is guiding your approach here?


· How are you applying your theory to the stage of development of this supervisee?


Helpful aspects

· What do you think is particularly helpful in this supervision session?

· Can you give some specific examples of helpful supervision experiences? What made it helpful?


· What do you think is particularly helpful in this supervision session?


· What do you think you gained from the supervision session?

Unhelpful supervision

What did you do that was helpful/unhelpful in this session?

· Have you had any examples of unhelpful supervision – can you describe this?


· What was helpful/unhelpful in this session?

Supervisory relationship

· How do you think the supervisee views you / your supervisory relationship?

· How would you describe your supervisory relationship?

Impact of supervision

· What do you think your supervisee gained from the supervision session?

· How has this session impacted on your work with this client?


· How do you think this session may assist the supervisee in future work with their client?

· How do you think this session may assist you in future work with this client?


· How did this influence your work with the client?