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Table 6 Day time functioning and psychological distress; Mean (SD), Change values and Effect sizes

From: Efficacy of a behavioral self-help treatment with or without therapist guidance for co-morbid and primary insomnia -a randomized controlled trial





Change Pre-Post

Change Pre-Fu3


Mean (SD)

Mean (SD)

Mean (SD)

Mean (95% CI)

Effect size (d)a

Mean (95% CI)

Effect size (d) a

Positive Day Time Ratings


   Bibliotherapy with support (n = 44)

2.5 (0.79)

3.2 (0.70)

3.1 (0.74)

0.69 (0.46 to 0.92)


0.58 (0.34 to 0.82)


   Bibliotherapy (n = 45)

2.6 (0.65)

3.0 (0.72)

3.0 (0.84)

0.38 (0.19 to 0.58)


0.44 (0.21 to 0.67)


   Waiting list control (n = 43)

2.6 (0.73)

2.8 (0.75)

2.7 (0.76)

0.17 (-0.02 to 0.36)


0.13 (-0.07 to 0.32)


Day Time Fatigue (DTF)


   Bibliotherapy with support (n = 44)

2.8 (0.98)

1.5 (1.0)

1.8 (1.1)

-1.23 (-1.54 to -0.91)


-0.98 (-1.3 to -0.66)


   Bibliotherapy (n = 45)

2.7 (0.82)

2.2 (0.99)

2.1 (0.94)

-0.49 (-0.81 to -0.17)


-0.61 (-0.92 to -0.31)


   Waiting list control (n = 43)

2.7 (0.82)

2.4 (0.89)

2.6 (1.0)

-0.28 (-0.50 to -0.05)


-0.14 (-0.42 to 0.13)


Perceived Stress Scale (PSS)


   Bibliotherapy with support (n = 44)

17.4 (7.4)

13.1 (5.7)

13.2 (5.9)

-4.3 (-6.0 to -2.6)


-4.2 (-6.1 to -2.3)


   Bibliotherapy (n = 45)

18.8 (6.2)

16.1 (7.1)

15.1 (7.4)

-2.7 (-4.2 to -1.1)


-3.6 (-5.2 to -2.0)


   Waiting list control (n = 44)

19.0 (6.8)

17.2 (6.3)

17.3 (7.2)

-1.8 (-3.0 to -0.6)


-1.7 (-3.3 to -0.2)




   Bibliotherapy with support (n = 44)

37.0 (17.7)

24.4 (14.0)

27.2 (17.0)

-12.5 (-17.0 to -8.0)


-9.7 (-14.7 to -4.7)


   Bibliotherapy (n = 45)

36.7 (15.8)

32.5 (16.1)

29.6 (15.4)

-4.2 (-8.5 to 0.1)


-7.1 (-11.6 to -2.7)


   Waiting list control (n = 44)

41.7 (15.6)

36.2 (15.3)

36.0 (18.4)

-5.5 (-8.9 to-2.0)


-5.7 (-9.6 to -1.7)


  1. Abbreviations: Pre, Pre-treatment assessment; Post, Post-treatment assessment; Fu3, 3-month follow-up assessment; CORE-OM, The Clinical Outcomes in Routine Evaluation-Outcome Measure
  2. a Effect sizes calculated within groups, pre-post, and pre-fu3, with pooled SDs. (A negative effect size represents a decrease in the measure, a positive effect size an increase.)